We will confirm your order when the money is received in our account.
This process takes up to 10 business days.
International transfers are only accepted if you agree to pay the additional costs.
The same for postal orders, the postal order modality replaces the payment by transfer abroad. At Nacional we maintain both possibilities for our clients.
National money order: Service available in any office, and you can choose the most convenient payment method to the recipient: cash, check (national money order) or deposit into a current account (national money order).
For greater convenience and speed in the recommends the option of depositing into a checking account.
International transfer: same as the previous one but only through deposit into a checking account or cash.
CASH ON DELIVERY (3% min. purchase amount 3 euros)
You can pay directly to the carrier in cash. The full amount must be settled in cash at the time of delivery of the merchandise.
Fast, simple and secure payment method.
The supplement for this service is 3% of the purchase amount with a minimum of 3 euros
Online payments with Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard or Eurocard are as secure as those made in conventional stores.
Security code
When making an online payment with your credit card, you must provide the following information: card number, expiration date, three-digit security or verification code (CVV).
The security or verification code for your credit card is a three-digit code that provides additional security to your online payments. It is printed on the back of the credit cards. Sometimes it is preceded by the card number, only the last three digits are necessary. Depending on the type of card, the code can be located in various places, most often very close to the signature label, but always on the back of the card.
All Spanish virtual stores protect their payment data with an SSL encryption system. Easily check if the connection between your computer and the virtual store is secure: if the connection is secure, a padlock will appear in the lower right corner of the browser window (if you use Internet Explorer or Firefox), at the far right of the bar address box (if you use Chrome) or in the upper right corner of the browser window (if you use Safari).
3D Secure
3D Secure is a service designed to offer more security in payments made over the Internet. The 3-D Secure system was developed by Visa International and its partners (Arcot) and is currently also accepted by MasterCard. 3-D Secure is also known as Verified by Visa (Visa) and MasterCard Secure Code (MasterCard). Virtual stores that use 3-D Secure are distinguished by the following distinctive features:
Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode are security protocols used jointly by international credit card companies Visa and Mastercard. This means that the payment method is identical for both.
Additional security consists of:
1. The Verified by Visa or SecureCode code, chosen by you. This code will ensure that you are the only person who can make payments using your card, similar to when you use your PIN code in physical stores. You must keep the code in a safe place. By using the code you reduce the risk of inappropriate use of your card.
2. Your personal data, provided by you when requesting the code. When making a purchase, you will be shown your personal details before being asked to enter the code
Why use PayPal?

We use encryption and fraud prevention technology around the clock to protect your information. And, if an item that meets certain requirements does not arrive or does not match the original description, we can refund the amount. Additionally, if you decide to return a purchase, you can request a refund of the return costs*.

Link your bank account or card to your PayPal account (and keep earning points). Choose how you want to pay without worrying about whether or not you have a balance in your PayPal account.

Send money to your friends and family in just a few clicks. All you need is the recipient's email address or phone number**. You will be able to pay off your debts in a matter of seconds.
PayPal is the means that companies and people use to send and receive money online.
PayPal does not reveal your financial information to sellers, and payments are made immediately, faster than sending checks or money orders.
We hope we have been able to help you.
The team ofCalzados Vesga.